Not all clear aligners are equal!

Not all clear aligners are the same and Knox Family Smiles proudly uses Invisalign™! The quality of Invisalign is much higher than the clear aligners of other brands. It was the first company to use clear aligners for orthodontic treatment and continues to set a high standard in this field. When it comes to the money spent on research and development, Invisalign takes the lead over all other manufacturers resulting in the use of the most advanced technology!

Invisalign does not sell directly to consumers. This means that this advanced Invisalign technology is only available through a provider, such as Knox Family Smiles. Our partnership with Boubon Orthodontics in the Milwaukee area gives us access to volume discounts on supplies and even Invisalign lab fees! These savings are passed on to our patients. This makes Knox Family Smiles your best choice for the most affordable, high quality clear aligner!

What Makes Invisalign Unique:

MATERIAL: Moving teeth more quickly and accurately with less discomfort is the goal for a pleasant orthodontic experience. Invisalign’s proprietary and patented SmartTrack material is key to achieving this goal. With SmartTrack, aligners are able to fit better to teeth and retain their shape longer, creating the best conditions for fast and accurate results!

SOFTWARE: Invisalign’s software helps doctors to provide the best possible outcome for tooth movement. The software warns doctors of specific bite issues that may occur, which helps doctors avoid these problems. The unique Invisalign software allows for doctors to see the best way to expand dental arches, creating more space for teeth and resulting in a more youthful appearance. Results from online competitors demonstrate that the back of the dental arch is not expanded. The front teeth are merely moved forward, leading to gum recession and a bite that only touches the front teeth.

ATTACHMENTS: Unlike Invisalign, aligners that are purchased online do not allow for the use of special attachments. These attachments act as handles that improve tooth movement. With these attachments, even more complicated cases can be treated with Invisalgin. Without the ability to use attachments, online aligners just cannot achieve the same effectiveness as Invisalign!

INTER-PROXIMAL REDUCTION (IPR): In cases of crowding or in size discrepancies of the upper and lower teeth, a doctor may need to reduce tooth size by fractions of a millimeter, a process known as IPR. When IPR is used a doctor is able to fit teeth together that would be impossible otherwise! Seeing a provider in the office who can do this procedure, creates yet another benefit to partnering with a doctor, rather than only using an online company.

iTero SCANNERS: In our practice, quick, efficient, accurate, and painless scans of the teeth are taken with the fastest and most accurate scanner on the market! These scans create a 3D image of the teeth and replace the need to take uncomfortable and less accurate impressions.

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